201. | The Critical State of Education with Joseph Weigel

Published: May 16, 2023, 7 a.m.

Today we're joined by author of the new book, 'The Critical State of Education', by Joseph Weigel. Joseph is a voracious truth seeker with a BA in History but has learned far more through his own research and is now working to revive the moral and intellectual virtues required for self-government. THE CRITICAL STATE OF EDUCATION on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Critical-State-Education-Classical-Marxism/dp/B0BTGK9PB5/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=the+critical+state+of+education+by+joseph+weigel&qid=1684184171&sprefix=the+critical+state+of+%2Caps%2C131&sr=8-1 JOSEPHWEIGEL.COM https://josephweigel.com FOLLOW ON INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/josephweigel89/ FOLLOW ON TWITTER https://twitter.com/josephweigel89 "The Tibetan" (aka Djwhal Khul): https://duckduckgo.com/?q=djwhal+khul&t=ffab&atb=v174-1&iar=images&iax=images&ia=images