110. | Warning of things to come from the late Billy Graham

Published: Aug. 3, 2021, 4:35 a.m.

Today we share current events of a journalist suggesting pornography for younger children, an update about our documentary film "The Mind Polluters" with excerpts from the film, warning from the late Billy Graham and more!! "The Bible and Dr. Kinsey" https://billygraham.org/audio/the-bible-and-dr-kinsey/ "Porn for Children" www.wnd.com/2021/07/journalist-someone-needs-create-porn-children/ Amaze Jr. Video https://youtu.be/pyjyYHaTqDQ Secret History: Kinsey's Paedophiles (Documentary) https://youtu.be/-Iw1RKqgS2Q Pastor Jack Hibbs https://calvarycch.org/behind-the-mask-part-3/ Visit www.fearlessfeatures.org to learn more about our filmmaking ministry, movies, and how you can get involved! Join us next Tuesday for more Fearless with Mark and Amber.