082 - Hugelkultur. What it is. When is it appropriate. And when isn't it. with Javan Bernakevitch

Published: Oct. 17, 2014, 1 p.m.


-Key Takeaways:


Hugelkultur mounds are usually positioned perpendicular to the wind.


Sometimes used as a staging process to dispose of wood and build soil which can then be spread onto crop land.


Think of a hugelkultur as a produce aisle raised bed.


Make sure the design fits into how you live your life and how you want to live your life.



-Hugelkultur Benefits:


Soil building structure.


Semi-permanent planting bed.


It creates microclimates.


Lifting the soil surface towards the sun and that adds degree days.



with Javan Bernakevitch of Permaculture BC.


Show Notes: permaculturevoices.com/82
