005 - Paul Wheaton: Building a Better World One Permaculture Brick At A Time

Published: July 13, 2013, 6:49 a.m.


\'Building a better world, one permaculture brick at a time.\'


The full and complete audio from Paul Wheaton\'s standing ovation keynote presentation at the Southern California Permaculture Convergence on March 9, 2013 in San Diego, CA.


"Most folks that want change tell a dozen people how bad people should stop being bad. \\xa0Over a ten year span of time, they may have told 100 people about which bad people to be angry at.


I believe that conflict come from difference of knowledge set.


I play the long game: \\xa0hundreds of tidbits of knowledge spread out over many years


If I say \\u201cpermaculture\\u201d after each tidbit, then eventually a person might think \\u201cI keep hearing this word associated with cool things\\u201d and then search for more permaculture stuff on their own.


This is my strategy for world domination." Paul Wheaton


Paul presents 72 different permaculture based strategies for changing the world. \\xa0Some of these strategies are big and some are small. \\xa0Some can be done very quickly, some will require a significant amount of time. \\xa0Odds are that some of the permaculture strategies will resonate with everyone. \\xa0If each person just does a few of them, then we are all changing the world. \\xa0"Rather than being angry at bad guys, I want to share a thousand bricks for building a better world." Paul Wheaton


Visit http://www.permaculturevoices.com/5 for show notes.\\xa0
