Ryan Chanatry of Topic Discusses the Rise of Streaming Services and Niche Programming

Published: July 31, 2020, 3:31 p.m.

Ryan Chanatry is the General Manager of the streaming service Topic. The streaming service on its home page refers to itself as, "Borderless Entertainment," and is home to the series Soul City, an amazing anthology series following the footsteps of Twilight Zone and Tales from the Crypt (click here to listen to our interview with show creators Coodie and Chike).

We spoke with Chantary about the rise of niche programming services like Topic and the alternatives they give to the big three, if there will be a way to switch from service to service without taking multiple steps versus the channel surfing available through standard cable and dish services and the possible dangers of only living in a bubble that feels one particular worldview.

Chantary also filled us in on how streaming is changing how we watch cable, though various reports the idea of completely cutting the is pre-mature. In fact, according to Topic’s survey, of people that get access via cable or streaming, 40% have both, 33% are cable only and 28% are streaming only.

Additionally, some avid watchers are increasingly looking for niche content. The average number of services people use monthly sits at five with the top 10 percent of subscribers pulling content from 10+ places. A marked increase from prior studies.

Topic subscription beings at $5.99 a month and offers a free 7-day trial.

Check out the interview with Ryan Chantary above and follow topic on Twitter @topicstories and on Instagram @topicstories.