Gaming therapy begins

Published: June 7, 2021, 4 p.m.

We now transitioned to gaming therapy after the Pokémon Go burnout.

At this point, Fabu was reading under grade level. Reading was something that we wanted to include in the new therapeutic content.

We were on the hunt for a game that she liked to play, which would have all of the factors we were looking for. We started with Plants vs. Zombies, which Fabu played on her tablet. This was a game she liked and played often.

Quickly we moved onto Roblox because it had different mini-games that held her interest. We were looking for one that had more reading involved but did not find one on Roblox.
The good thing about Roblox was that it had a big community, and this was when Fabu started playing online with others. She was not in direct communication with anyone, but she liked playing with others even though she was not talking directly to them...