Episode 287 - Reviewing Ancestrys Thru-Lines, RootsTech London Update, Ask Us Anything: How Far Back Can Paternity Be Determined Through DN

Published: June 24, 2019, 2 a.m.

b'Host Scott Fisher opens the show with David Allen Lambert, Chief Genealogist of the New England Historic Genealogical Society and AmericanAncestors.org. The guys begin Family Histoire News with word of the first court case involving a defendant identified by genetic genealogy. Hear why this case has long term implications. Then, it\\u2019s a librarian getting into the law enforcement game helping authorities identify the bodies of three murder victims. Find out what she did and how she did it. Next, imagine the shock of one Mississippi man when he saw a commercial showing a photo of his third great grandfather! Hear what that experience has changed in this man\\u2019s life. David next shares the story of a 101-year-old World War II vet who had a unique experience with his grandson\\u2026 one that no one in the family will ever forget. David\\u2019s Blogger Spotlight shines on a familiar name this week\\u2026 Blaine Bettinger. Looking to learn about DNA genealogical research? His site, TheGeneticGenealogist.com, contains a wealth of information. In the second segment, Gretchen Jorgensen, a genetic genealogy specialist from Legacy Tree Genealogists visits with Fisher about Ancestry\\u2019s new Beta product, \\u201cThru Lines.\\u201d Have you tried it yet? Next, Fisher visits with Tyler Stahle about this fall\\u2019s first RootsTech London, FamilySearch has announced one of the keynote speakers and performers. Hear who it is and what\\u2019s to come. Then, Dr. Scott Woodward joins Fisher for \\u201cAsk Us Anything.\\u201d Dr. Woodward answers the question, \\u201cWith DNA, how far back can you expect to prove (or disprove) paternity.\\u201d Dr. Woodward\\u2019s answer might surprise you! That\\u2019s all this week on Extreme Genes, America\\u2019s Family History Show!'