Ep. 72 - Countdown to Roots Tech / FGS Conference... What's In It For You?

Published: Jan. 19, 2015, 6:07 p.m.

Fisher opens the show with word of the discovery of photos of third great grandparents of an American president? \\xa0Who were they and is he? \\xa0Fisher will tell you. \\xa0Across the pond, 41 million wills dating back to 1858 are going on line! \\xa0What government is making this available to you? \\xa0Find out here!
Jen Allen of FamilySearch.org joins the show next to fill us in on what to expect at this year's combined Roots Tech and Federation of Genealogical Societies conventions! \\xa0There's a lot happening in Salt Lake City, Utah in February, and you can participate from wherever you are, as Jen will explain. \\xa0Whatever your level of experience, Jen will rev up your engines talking about classes, speakers, and demonstrations of new technologies.
Fisher then talks to Missouris Glenna Johnson about the quilt she found dating back almost seventy years, following the passing of her mother. \\xa0It's turned into quite a project researching the names connected to it. \\xa0Hear all about it. \\xa0Then Fisher answers a listener question about the listeners DNA test... why didn't it reflect what he knew about his ancestry?
Then, Tom Perry is back from Las Vegas and the recent Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. \\xa0He's pumped up about all the new techie things that family historians will now be able to put to use!
That's all this week on Extreme Genes, Family History Radio!"