76: Under The Dome And Dumber

Published: June 29, 2015, midnight


Our esteemed colleague Nick willingly trapped himself Under The Dome as CBS\'s summer "hit" returns for another season of crappy acting, bad CGI, and inexplicable character beats. After Sarah ripped off a rant about jeans and we compared jazz unfavorable with a certain True Detective\'s anti-bullying regime, we went around the dial with Key & Peele, A History of Radness, European shows of Dave enjoyment, and the excellent wardrobe in a bad ad. The Panel considered The Alias for The Inclusion in The Canon and we cringed at Messrs. Trump and Lecter before a Game Time on finales. If you can jump the chasm of killer butterflies, join us at the Zenith of fun on an all-new Extra Hot Great.




\\U0001f464 Nick Rheinwald-Jones




Lead Topic: \\U0001f359 Under The Dome


Is This Worse Than Jazz?: \\U0001f3b7 Your Father Being Buttfucked With Your Mom\\u2019s Headless Corpse On This Goddamn Lawn


Around The Dial: \\U0001f511 Key & Peele


Around The Dial: \\U0001fa78 Another Period


Around The Dial: \\U0001f9e5 Humira-Commercial Jacket Fashion


Around The Dial: \\U0001f442 Humans


Around The Dial: \\U0001f1e9\\U0001f1ea Deutschland 83


The Canon: \\U0001f575\\U0001f3fb\\u200d\\u2640\\ufe0f Alias S03.E19: Hourglass


Winner & Loser: \\U0001f44d Univision


Winner & Loser: \\U0001f44e Hannibal


Game Time: \\U0001f381 Wrapping It Up




\\U0001f5d2 Full episode notes can be found on the episode 076 page on ExtraHotGreat.com
