Episode 104 Snaps Gingerbread Strategy

Published: Feb. 17, 2017, 12:53 p.m.

b'Ben and James compare Snap and Facebook to Apple and Microsoft, and worry that Snap\\u2019s business is misaligned. Presented by MailChimp Links Ben Thompson: Snap\\u2019s Apple Strategy \\u2014 Stratechery Ben Thompson: The Truth About Windows Versus the Mac \\u2014 Stratechery Ben Thompson: What Clayton Christensen Got Wrong \\u2014 Stratechery Ben Thompson: The Audacity of Copying Well \\u2014\\xa0Stratechery Ben Thompson: Aggregation Theory \\u2014 Stratechery Ben Thompson: Snapchat Spectacles and the Future of Wearables \\u2014 Stratechery Ben Thompson: Old-Fashioned Snapchat \\u2014 Stratechery Hosts Ben Thompson, @benthompson, Stratechery James Allworth, @jamesallworth, Harvard Business Review Podcast Information Feed iTunes SoundCloud Twitter Feedback Presented by \\u2026 Continue reading Episode 104 \\u2014 Snap\\u2019s Gingerbread Strategy'