Skinwalker Ranch

Published: Aug. 22, 2016, 3:07 a.m.


On this episode of Expanded Perspectives the guys start off talking about\\xa0Zenkerella insignis, the critter\\xa0caught on Bioko, is one of the world\'s most ancient and mysterious mammals. Until now, it was known only by its fossils and 11 scattered specimens, many of which had been languishing in natural history collections for over 100 years. Researchers\\xa0who were interested in the species\\xa0(and there aren\'t many) had little to go on aside from a hind limb here, a few teeth there. No scientist in history\\xa0has\\xa0ever seen it alive. Then,\\xa0according to biologist\\xa0Elizabeth Congdon, an assistant professor at Bethune-Cookman University, the state of Florida could have a serious capybara problem\\u2014and it might be the fault of exotic pet owners. Then, it\'s been a year since two treasure hunters claimed to have found a\\xa0Nazi gold train\\xa0buried under Poland and yet no Nazi gold train has actually been produced. That isn\'t stopping a team of 35 people, who plan to resume the hunt Monday,\\xa0Deutsche Welle\\xa0reports. Then,\\xa0care to learn more about\\xa0400-foot tsunamis on Mars? Now you can, after Nasa announced it is making all its publicly funded research available online for free. The space agency has set up a new public web portal called\\xa0Pubspace, where the public can find Nasa-funded research articles on everything from the chances of\\xa0life on one of Saturn\\u2019s moons\\xa0to the effects of space station living on the\\xa0hair follicles of astronauts. After the break Cam and Kyle talk about the iconic "Skinwalker Ranch".\\xa0In northern Utah there exists a \\u201cranch\\u201d so strange, so bizarre, that the\\xa0National Institute for Discovery Science\\xa0(owned by Las Vegas businessman and billionaire Bob Bigelow) purchased it solely for scientific research purposes. Located in the\\xa0Uintah Basin\\xa0near the town of\\xa0Fort Duchesne, paranormal phenomenon\\xa0such as strange creatures, bizarre objects, flying black triangles, animal mutilations, and telepathic messages, have been reported on the 480 acre\\xa0Skinwalker Ranch\\xa0for hundreds of years.\\xa0 It is estimated that over half the population in the area surrounding the ranch have witnessed unusual paranormal activity on, or near what became known as the \\u201cStrangest Place on Earth\\u201d. \\xa0Even the local Ute Indians believe the land to be cursed \\u2013 and tribe members are strictly forbidden to enter the property. Thanks for listening to Expanded Perspectives!

\\n Show Notes: \\n Music:

All music for Expanded Perspectives is provided by Pretty Lights. Purchase, Download and Donate at\\

\\n Songs Used:
  • Pretty Lights vs. Led Zeppelin
  • Understand Me Now
  • Short Cut
  • Sweet Long Life