Episode 220: Rijul Arora – Millennial Digital Wellbeing Advocate

Published: Nov. 10, 2020, noon

Dr. Heidi talks with Rijul Arora, Digital Well Being Advocate and Practitioner.

Rijul is a technology enthusiast working on building a better working world through technology. But, he's a millennial who’s been on both sides of the table-completely addicted to technology, left it and now he has a healthy relationship with technology. This transition has completely transformed his life personally, professionally, and mentally. Thus, he spread this message of “healthy relationships with technology” through various platforms. 

Professionally, he is working with EY and helping clients in end to end technology transformation. 

Personally, he has delivered 70+ talks in leading Indian Colleges like IIM's, IIT's etc. and global platforms like TEDx and Character Day. 

Rijul is also an Innovator and Thought Leader with LookUp Live. A millennial who’s been on both sides of the table-completely addicted to technology, left it and now he uses it in a healthy way.

This transition has completely transformed his life personally, professionally and mentally. Thus, Rijul spreads this message of “healthy relationships with technology” through schools, colleges, NGO's and corporates. 

Read a brief story about Rijul: https://medium.com/lookup-live/this-is-what-happened-when-i-stopped-using-social-media-for-seven-months-6d7d0e105de6

Website: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rijularora
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/rijul.arora.3591


This episode is also celebrates Dr. Heidi Forbes Öste's, #1 Bestselling book, Digital Self Mastery Across Generations, Print edition now available from all on-line booksellers, and for order in local book sellers internationally.

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