Episode 61 Wayne Rumsby

Published: Aug. 29, 2015, 7:19 p.m.

Cass and Bob interview Canadian Wayne Rumsby. Wayne is a craftsman. His heart is enormous. He is so genuinely human. He and his wife are some of those unfortunate parents who’ve had to bury a child—a special needs child with a degenerative disease that was never diagnosed in his short 18 year life. Wayne’s heart for social justice survived his Christianity and today he holds out hope to be able to continue his work with people broken on the wheels of life by creating quality furniture in the retreat center he calls home. 

This conversation was taped on August 22nd,2015. Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, TuneIn and most podcast platforms.  If you’re feeling grateful for our podcast, Patreon.com is like a per episode tip jar for our work.

Wayne's woodwork: http://waylyn.ca/whoa-creative-works/whoa-gallery/ 


"Towering Mountain of Ignorance" intro by Hank Green https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3v3S82TuxU

Intro bumper "Never Know" by Jack Johnson

All other music written and performed by Cass Midgley