Episode 246 Cynthia Jeub (Kids by the Dozen) and Gary MacDonald (The Gospel of Thomas [The Younger])

Published: Aug. 2, 2019, 9:52 p.m.

Cynthia Jeub was raised in a cult of sorts. She is the 3rd oldest of 16 kids and her parents believed God wanted them to avoid birth control of all kinds, and try to breed as much as possible. Cynthia was to marry young and become a baby-making handmaiden, after having been a sister-mom to her younger siblings since childhood. Her family was highlighted on the reality show "Kids By The Dozen".
Cynthia is now a freelance writer, blogger, and author. She writes about the deconstruction of faith, mental illness, abuse recovery, economic justice, and philosophy at cynthiajeub.com. She is working on a memoir about her childhood, Music in the Dream House, which is being sponsored through her Patreon.
Cynthia's website: www.cynthiajeub.com
Cynthia's Twitter: @Cynthia Jeub 
Cythina's Patreon (to support forthcoming book): Patreon.com/cynthiajeub
Gary T. McDonald
Gary McDonald is a fifth generation Texan who now lives in California. A practicing Buddhist, Gary has had a lifelong interest in the origins of Christianity. These two strands culminated in his first book THE GOSPEL OF THOMAS (THE YOUNGER), a post-modern novel which is both a gospel and a novel that attempts to reboot the Jesus mythology. The Gospel of Thomas (The Younger), while telling a captivating story, also replaces a theology based on deity worship with a prescription for living a full and happy life. It offers a humanistic and secular view of Jesus and Christianity, if such a thing is possible. It shows how Christianity took a wrong turn early on and does its best to set it straight.

We taped this conversation on April 21, 2019. Thanks for listening and "Be a Yes-Sayer to What Is".


We interview people you don’t know, about a subject no one wants to talk about. We hope to encourage people in the process of deconstructing their faith and help curb the loneliness that accompanies it. We think the world is a better place when more people live by sight, not by faith. Please subscribe to our podcast, and leave a review wherever you listen to podcasts. Also, we offer these podcasts freely. And your support truly makes a difference. You can support us monetarily in two easy ways: you can pledge a monthly donation through Patreon. that’s www.patreon.com/eapodcast,  or leave a lump-sum donation through PayPal at our website, www.everyonesagnostic.com.


​Produced by Cass Midgley and Marie D'Elephant

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