How to Find Intimacy When a Partner Has Serious Illness

Published: Nov. 18, 2022, 10 p.m.


Serious illness can try to take so much from us. But does it have to take away intimacy and sexuality? Our attitude and creative approaches are key to maintaining this vital quality of life component.\\xa0 Learn how to rise above difficulties for sexual expression, love and connectedness.

Short on Time? Here's where you can find these topics.

  • 00:00 Intro and recipe
  • 5:00 Essay: \\u201cI just learned I only have months to live. This is what I want to say\\u201d
  • 15:00 Marianne: Sexuality and Intimacy
  • 25:50 Discussion - lubricants vs moisturizers and more!
  • 37:28 Claire on how she found intimacy as her husband battled brain cancer

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