How Native American Communities Honor End of Life

Published: Jan. 20, 2024, 3 a.m.


Learn this week about Native American views on death and funeral practices. Our guest who is indigenous herself shares how you can best support a friend from another culture.

While each Native American Tribe has unique funeral practices, there is a lot of commonality in their beliefs about death and how the body should be treated afterwards. Understanding these beliefs is important to honor the deceased and support the bereaved.

In This Episode:

  • 05:17 \\u2013 Food and Native American Life
  • 08:05 \\u2013 Recipe \\u2013 Scalloped Corn Casserole
  • 09:43 \\u2013 Death in Indigenous American Communities; Interview with Dr. Jeanna Ford
  • 19:59 \\u2013 Witness to a Native American Funeral
  • 28:38 \\u2013 Outro

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