Advance Directives

Published: May 20, 2020, 6 p.m.


In this episode we delve deep into Advance Directives.\\xa0 We often have misconceptions that advance directives are only for older people or people that are dying.\\xa0 But did you know the whole reason they exist is because of two young adults that had terrible accidents, leaving friends and family members to fight for what they knew they would want?\\xa0 These documents are valid for anyone 18 or older who want to take control of their own bodies.

Marianne talks about advance directives, and Charlie discusses more some of his personal experience in the field.\\xa0 We also have a special guest - Abbie - who tells us about how an advance directive saved their family from very difficult choices.\\xa0 Please also visit our website for some resources and video of a fun Dr. Seuss-style poem about the importance of Advance Directives.

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