Quarantine Practices | Bryan Bardin and Pastor Debbie Bronkema | Everyday Spirituality

Published: May 18, 2020, 10 a.m.

In this episode of Everyday Spirituality, we take a break from our normal interviews for a quarantined conversation with Pastor Debbie and Bryan Bardin. In this episode they talk about how they are practicing creativity, spirituality and justice during this unprecedented time.

My favorite part of this conversation is how universal these experiences are. Bryan and Debbie live in entirely different parts of the country, fall into different demographic categories, and live very different home lives; and yet when comparing notes of life in a time of quarantine, creating space to reflect and be okay, being intentional about movement and finding ways to connect are things we are all struggling with right now.


"Come the end of the quarantine, people are either going to be worse off than they were before it started, or better off, there are very few people who are going to come out of it in the same mental, physical, spiritual shape that they went in. If I don’t do something about it, I’m going to come out worse than I went in." -Bryan Bardin

"Rather than a longer form Igantian Examen, I’ve been writing a haiku about my day—where I felt filled up, where I felt emptied. I found that format was healing for me. I had to think hard about the day before and what I could learn from and where I could grow." -Pastor Debbie


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