S04E09: The Descent (2005)

Published: Nov. 23, 2020, noon

Welcome all to our first fully virtually recorded podcast!  Due to COVID numbers seriously blowing up, we decided that it would be best to go virtual and stop meeting in person.  Despite this, we still put together a full show for you guys!

First up, we discuss THE DESCENT.  A 2005 horror movie about a group of women who go spelunking on their annual trip - but not all is as it seems.  Overall we liked it, though it isn't on the same masterpiece level of other films we've watched.  If you haven't seen the movie yet, we advise watching it first or just being ok with spoilers - because there are a lot of spoilers!

After this we discuss THE GAME AWARDS, the annual video game award show and one of the largest major events in the industry.  We talk Game of the Year and then go over a few of categories that interested us specifically (Soundtrack, eSports Player, Mobile Game, Fighting Game, and Multiplayer Game).

Then it's on to what we've been playing - we all have our next gen consoles now including Corbin being the sole member with a PS5, so we talk about that a bit.



Intro: Start - 1:30

The Descent: 1:30 - 22:00

The Game Awards: 22:00 - 49:45

What We've Been Playing: 49:45 - End



