Social Fear Aversion Therapy

Published: July 31, 2020, 2:02 p.m.


One of the worst ills of \\u2018Gen Z\\u2019 kids:

They cannot make eye contact, have poor social skills.

Even us \\u2018Millenials\\u2019. We cannot make eye contact. We always got our AirPods in. It is not considered \\u2018cool\\u2019 to talk to strangers. Worse yet, most people don\\u2019t got the guts (or social skills) to talk to strangers.


But what is the real problem here? Twofold:

  1. Modern society doesn\\u2019t encourage talking to strangers or interacting with strangers (stranger danger)
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  3. Technology and our phones make us socially averse to other people.
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