How to Uncover Your Hidden Talent in Photography

Published: Feb. 22, 2022, 7:49 p.m.


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How to Uncover Your Hidden Talent in Photography


How do you excite or motivate yourself to make photos which will uncover your hidden talent?


Photo Thoughts


This morning, some thoughts:

  1. What is your desired end goal with photography?
  2. \\n
  3. How do you motivate yourself to go out and shoot more photos?
  4. \\n
  5. What is the best and ideal camera?
  6. \\n

No Ricoh lasts forever


A big problem --

No RICOH GR digital camera is meant to last more than 2-3 years.

For example, my RICOH GR III recently went kaput. Really bad -- 90% of the time when I turn it on, it says \'lens error\' and refuses to focus.


I should send it in to get fixed by Ricoh, but sending it in is such a pain in the ass.


Thus I spent some time thinking and considering --

What new camera should I get?

A quick thought:

Even though the iPhone is great, I think to barbell is better-- just get the iPhone for the phone function (minimum viable phone), and get the camera as a specialized niche device (RICOH).

For example, a simple thing:

The RICOH GR is superior 1000x ergonomically to the iPhone.

The iPhone ... not as quick in terms of \'quick draw\' when comparing taking out my RICOH GR and quickly snapping a shot. The RICOH is far better at quickly turning on, and shooting.


Whereas the iPhone, even though there is a camera button on the Home Screen, it is slower. Perhaps a good future iPhone Camera innovation could be:

"Raise to wake" becomes "Raise to photograph".

I like the idea if there was a function in which you raised your iPhone, it would automatically go into camera mode (you could customize this in the iPhone settings).


Why go on adventures?


The trend nowadays is towards \'over-landing\', off-roading, adventuring in your car, etc, because of the whole COVID pandemic thing.


But why go on adventures?


My mom said it is a good way to discover and uncover your hidden talents.


Therefore in photography, the question --

What hidden talents do you have which lie nascent within you, and adventure is a way to unlock those photographic hidden skills?

I hate missing the decisive moment


After a day or two of my broken Ricoh, and missing at least 1-2 really important decisive moments for myself (playing with Seneca), it infuriated me. I learned that for me, to capture every single meaningful moment is my goal.


Why? When I see something which brings me extreme joy, I have this need and desire to capture it. If I don\'t, it brigs me insane amounts of anger and frustration.


Perhaps this is the hidden motivator for us as photographers?


You need more opportunities to shoot


If you desire to uncover your hidden talent and skills in photography, you must expose yourself to more photo opportunities. This is where road trips are good, going to the local mall, going to the downtown, going on trips, travels, weekend excursions, etc is good for photography.


Randomness, chance and unknown and uncertain situations awaken the inner-genius photographer within you.


Thus when in doubt, get out of the house. Try to walk 30,000 steps a day, go on a quick hike, go on a weekend AirBnb trip somewhere, and make photography the modus operandi of your life.


