What About Those Who Fall Away?

Published: May 13, 2009, 6:30 p.m.

b'In the eighty years since the publication of Elmer Gantry, it has become almost impossible to satirize the American evangelicalism any more. Names like Jim Bakker, Jimmy Swaggart, and Ted Haggard quickly come to mind as allegedly committed followers of Christ who have committed great scandal. Christians often wonder how to make sense of such acts committed by individuals claiming to be followers of Christ. They ask, "How can Christians do such things?" and "How can they continue to do them for so long?" Eventually, they will ask, "Are these individuals saved or not? Were they ever saved to start with? Will they go to heaven when they die?" All of these questions are legitimate and the Bible provides answers for us. The Bible never shies away from difficult issues. Regarding this particularly difficult issue, the Bible uses four kinds of passages to present the biblical perspective on those who fail to persevere in the faith they profess. We will examine these four types of passages.'