Worm Tea vs. Leachate

Published: Oct. 26, 2019, 11 a.m.

Is worm tea the same as leachate? What is leachate? Is it even GOOD to have in a worm composting system? All of these questions answer and more in today's show.

10% Off an Urban Worm Bag By Clicking This Link

Steve is the founder of the Urban Worm Company and makes the Urban Worm Bag, which is my favorite worm composting system. It's a flow-through system instead of a bin style design, which makes it less smelly, messy, and quite efficient at turning food waste into fertilizer.

Order Field Guide to Urban Gardening

My book, Field Guide to Urban Gardening, will be out May 7, 2019. If you pre-order the book and forward your receipt to kevin@epicgardening.com, I'll send you a free pack of heirloom, organic seeds from one of my favorite seed suppliers!

Order Field Guide to Urban Gardening

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I'm carrying Birdies Garden Products raised beds, the ones I use exclusively in my front yard garden. They're a corrugated Aluzinc steel, powder-coated raised bed designed to last a lifetime. Buy Birdies Raised Beds at my online store.

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