What Animal is Eating Your Plants?

Published: July 9, 2019, 11 a.m.

Learn how to figure out what animals are eating your plants by paying more attention to how, where, and when they munch on your plants.

Connect With Margaret Roach:

Margaret Roach is a liifelong organic gardener and the founder of A Way to Garden, as well as the newly re-released book A Way to Garden.

Order Field Guide to Urban Gardening

My book, Field Guide to Urban Gardening, is available for sale! It's a complete guide to growing plants, no matter where you live. Here's how to order: 

EPIC Raised Beds

I'm carrying Birdies Garden Products raised beds, the ones I use exclusively in my front yard garden. They're a corrugated Aluzinc steel, powder-coated raised bed designed to last a lifetime.

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