Marie Viljoen: Gardener, Forager, Feaster

Published: July 30, 2019, 11 a.m.

I met my friend Marie Viljoeon at the Better Homes & Gardens Conference in 2018, where she showed us all how to make a delicious foraged sumac cocktail. I knew she was a like-minded person, so eventually I asked her if she’d be interested in coming on the show. To my delight, she said yes! Enjoy this exciting week with Marie - an urban forager, gardener, and cocktail queen.

Connect With Marie Viljoen:

Marie Viljoen is a forager, writer, and cocktail master (that last one is my own personal opinion - Kevin). She’s the author of Forage, Harvest, Feast: A Wild-Inspired Cuisine and an urban gardener as well.

Learn More: Apocalypse Grow: April 8 Update

With less than two months left to my Apocalypse Grow challenge, where I will grow, forage, or fish all of my food for a month. I'm scared...but it's fun at the same time. I figured I'd update you all as to where I'm at on this challenge.

Order Field Guide to Urban Gardening

My book, Field Guide to Urban Gardening, is available for sale! It's a complete guide to growing plants, no matter where you live. Here's how to order: 

EPIC Raised Beds

I'm carrying Birdies Garden Products raised beds, the ones I use exclusively in my front yard garden. They're a corrugated Aluzinc steel, powder-coated raised bed designed to last a lifetime.

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