Gardening Strategies for Busy People

Published: May 27, 2019, 11 a.m.

Today we’re joined again by Siloé Oliveira of Suburban Homestead, talking about different ways to reduce time and effort in the garden as a busy person. We all have other commitments, and you’d be surprised how little time you can actually spend in the garden, and still have it yield incredible harvests.

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Order Field Guide to Urban Gardening

My book, Field Guide to Urban Gardening, is available for sale! It's a complete guide to growing plants, no matter where you live. Here's how to order: 

EPIC Raised Beds

I'm carrying Birdies Garden Products raised beds, the ones I use exclusively in my front yard garden. They're a corrugated Aluzinc steel, powder-coated raised bed designed to last a lifetime.

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