EOTM Radio: Your Source For Black Talk Media On The Net

Published: Feb. 23, 2014, 9 p.m.

b"Topic:The Awakening Of African Americans \\n\\nDid you know that Abortion is the leading cause of death in the African American community? Accounting for more deaths in the last 25 years than all other causes combined . . . . Hispanics have now surpassed African Americans as the nation's largest minority group . . . . Married African American women have a five times greater abortion rate than married Caucasian women. Some might expect this to lead to a greater percentage of African American women in need of post-abortion ministries. Yet certainly in our area we see very few African American women coming forward for help in dealing with their abortions. As a matter of fact, except for the high number of African American clients seen in crisis pregnancy centers, very few African Americans are involved in the pro-life movement in any way. Why?\\n\\nJoin Carla B as she opens up the phone lines to speak with the African American community on why we don\\u2019t offer our children\\u2026a \\u201cRight to Life\\u201d.\\n\\nListen to EOTM Radio Sundays from 1pm - 4pm PST to hear a variety of your favorite EOTM Radio 'E' Jayspast and present covering issues affecting and effecting African American communities in the States & Abroad.\\n\\nThe EOTM Radio Network\\u2122 strives to be your #1 source of independent new media geared towards the Black community.\\n\\nFACT: 1 in 3 Black Males Will Go To Prison In Their Lifetime\\n\\nFollow EOTM Radio on Twitter @eotmpr@eotmonline and Facebook.com/EOTM.Media.\\n\\nPhoto credits: Getty"