BREAKING: 'CTSOUJ' hosts discuss the Michael Brown case in Ferguson - EOTM Radio

Published: Aug. 20, 2014, 2 a.m.

b'This week on Correcting The System of Unequal Justice:\\n\\nGerald E. Rose and Carla B., open up the phone lines to discuss the situation in Ferguson, Ohio -- stemming from the Michael Brown shooting. Call in & sound off @ 718-664-6543.\\n\\nUpdate on the Michael Brown case:\\n\\nMissouri Senators Claire McCaskill (D) and Roy Blunt (R) released a statement on the case:\\n\\n\\u201cI join all Missourians in remembering the family of Michael Brown & the Ferguson community as they grieve the tragic loss of this young man,\\u201d Blunt said.\\xa0 \\u201cHis recent high school graduation should have been a beginning of better things.\\u201d\\n\\nPolice say that Brown was killed while struggling for an officer\\u2019s gun.\\xa0\\n\\n\\u201cAs a mother I grieve for this child and his family,\\u201d McCaskill said.\\xa0\\n\\nThe Brown shooting may bring back memories of the Feb. 2012 Florida shooting death of unarmed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin by neighborhood watch officer George Zimmerman. Martin\\u2019s death sparked nationwide alarm, and Zimmerman\\u2019s case (he was acquitted) was addressed by President Obama.\\xa0\\n\\nMissouri Gov. Jay Nixon called for the independent investigation.\\n\\n\\u201cIt is vital that the facts about this case are gathered in a thorough, transparent and impartial manner, in which the public has complete confidence. \\u201cOur thoughts and prayers go out to all those affected by this tragic event, and I ask St. Louis County residents to exercise patience and respect for their neighbors as federal authorities work to get to the bottom of what happened through this comprehensive, independent review.\\u201d\\n\\nRELATED:\\xa0 Ferguson Police Chief: \\u201cOfficer Darren Wilson Shot Unarmed Teen Michael Brown\\u201d \\u2013 VIDEO'