Alien Disclosure Imminent In The US...??

Published: April 9, 2014, 3:30 a.m.

b'Disclosure is coming for the UFO world, or so we hope.\\n\\nNot long ago political activist Stephen Bassett, former Canadian Minister of Defense, Paul Hellyer along with other world leaders, researchers and military witnesses came together to share their thoughts and experiences surrounding the UFO phenomenom at the Citizens Hearing on Disclosure, which was held in Washington, DC.\\n\\nThe leaders testified about events and evidence that supports the idea that many people have of an extraterrestrial presence regularly engaging the human race. Their goal is to end the alleged ET truth embargo.\\n\\nNotably, President Obama recently appointed John Podesta as UFO Disclosure Advocate to his Administration.\\n\\nInterestingly, according to Dr. James Preston there is a treaty that has allegedly been created between an evil alien race and the Secret Shadow Government which requires full disclosure by 2015. This alleged treaty states that the SSG must provide Complete Disclosure soon or the large alien Grays will allegedly make massive public displays of themselves and their anti-gravity crafts (AGCs) and disclose everything themselves directly to the American people.\\n\\nJoin Carla B., as she digs deep to share verifiable information she feels will change the world as we know it, very soon.\\n\\n"I believe disclosure will tell us who we are as humans and what our role is within this vast universe. We CAN handle the truth," Ms. B., added.\\n\\nSources: Citizens Hearing on Disclosure, NSA, Washington Post, Obama Administration\\n\\nFollow Carla B. on Twitter @eotmpr \\n\\nPhoto credit: Getty'