The State of the Singularity 01

Published: Aug. 15, 2016, 10:18 a.m.

b"Time stamp and notes:\\n\\nIntro: Dealing with wet shoes. \\n\\n1:00 Japanese people can't handle their expectations about Paris.\\n\\n4:00 VR and AR are on the spectrum of mixed reality. AR will integrate itself into your life with useful things. VR will entertain you immersively.\\n\\n7:00 The conceptual weaknesses of a perfect implementation of AR.\\n\\n10:00 Using SLAM (simultaneous localization And Mapping) to get positional tracking in AR.\\n\\n12:30 Why Google Glass was not an AR device.\\n\\n16:45 What will be the most ideal external input device for AR devices?\\n\\n20:15 As of the publishing of this podcast AR has become hotter than VR thanks to Pokemon Go. Pokemon Go is the killer app of AR.\\n\\n23:00 A stereoscopic webcam view of the world is coming.\\n\\n24:00 What is a transparent light field display?\\n\\n27:00\\n\\n\\n32:00\\n\\n33:00 What is the worst thing you can do with VR?\\n\\n35:00 Will we us VR for mind reprogramming? Will brain washing with VR become more effective?\\n\\n\\n36:00 Can you reach a trans state in VR?\\n\\n38:00 Will you get withdrawal symptoms from being detached to your technology.\\n\\n39:00 I did not end up using the Unreal Engine. I was worried the stream would break. \\n\\n39:30 Machine learning and VR have yet to truly intersect.\\n\\n42:00 Will the Have's trap the Have not's in a reality of their making?\\n\\n43:00 The Sword Art Online of VR is coming?\\n\\n45:00 How will machine learning be applied to VR?\\n\\n46:00 Exponentially accelerated progress. \\n\\n49:00 Will renewable energy save us?\\n\\n50:00 Power has been centralizing over time. One day there will be a drone army that won't need anyones consent to do whatever it wants.\\n\\n53:00 Self improving machine learning algorithms could get out hand?\\n\\n56:00 How fast is the future approaching?\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n58:00 Quad copter taxis will be a thing?\\n\\n1:02:00 What is the promise of AI?\\n\\n1:07:00 Will AI replace our scientists?\\n\\n\\n1:08:00\\n\\n1:11:00\\n\\n1:18:00\\n\\n1:21:40\\n How do we retain our human identity?\\n\\n1:22:00 Can we restart civilization in space?\\n\\n1:24:00 Will AI help us govern?\\n\\n1:25:00\\n\\n1:27:00 Why we party.\\n\\n1:27:30 Looking back at Alpha Go.\\n\\n1:30:00 What factions do you align yourself in Fall Out 4? (spoiler alert)\\n\\n1:33:00 Can AI develop a desire for self determination?\\n\\n1:35:00 Meat in the petridish is a moral imperative.\\n\\n1:36:00 The 21st century is about how to go about having our collective cake and eat it without destroying ourselves and the planet.\\n\\n1:38:00 There is a larger infinite number of simulations than there are infinite real universes.\\n\\n1:41:00 Rick Sanchez is our idol.\\n\\n1:41:45 What would you do with your own clone?\\n\\n1:46:00 The magic of marketing\\n\\n1:57:00 There are no Vives in Chinese jail.\\n\\n2:00:00 Closing thoughts.\\n\\n\\n\\nThanks to Noah and Alpay for being true scholars and gentlemen of the metaverse! \\n\\nFollow up with them with the links below:\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nStay in touch via twitter @entervr\\n\\nThanks for listening.\\n\\nIntro provided by Rick and Morty. Please give the creators of Rick and Morty lots of money."