
Published: March 28, 2016, 4:36 a.m.


  • Space, Physics, Striving to understand the world around you, Our intro this week, if you checked yes to any of the above, please avail yourself of our guest Ben Tippett (@bnprime) and his podcast Titanium Physicists
  • It\'s absolutely worth watching or re-watching Carl Sagan\'s The Frontier is Everywhere if you need a little inspiration. And most of us do most of the time.
  • The heliosphere is the edge of our galaxy, but it\'s real challenging to explain. Please review this image for a better explanation.
  • Finally, on the topic of launch patterns and how complicated they can be, Kerbal Space Program is a fun and goofy simulator game where you can launch your own space crafts and see just how complicated it is!


Music by: | The Human Race | BLAMMOS |
