How Social Enterprise is Shaping Industries: Health, Migrant Integration and Culture

Published: May 18, 2020, 11:39 a.m.


This is the second of 3 episodes about social enterprise from a research perspective. In this episode we focus on three industries which are key to the development of sustainable societies and which social enterprise is stirring up. Those industries are: 1) health and social services; 2) integration of migrants and refugees; 3) culture and the arts. Featured in this episode: Nicole G\\xf6ler von Ravensburg, professor of Socio-economics at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences; Alexander Tr\\xe4nkmann, gastronomy manager in Mainz, Germany, and a spokesperson for the Embrace Hotels Cooperative; Leila Giannetto, researcher at FIERI (International and European Forum on Migration Research); Rob Trimble, Chief Executive of the Bromley by Bow Centre (London, UK); Linda Lundgaard Andersen, professor at the Department of People and Technology at Roskilde University in Denmark; Jonas Hedegaard, PhD student at Roskilde University in Denmark.
