Season 5 Episode 8: Capricorn (Sagittarius) Full Moon

Published: June 23, 2021, 11 a.m.

Full Moon Blessings EPs,

Take a moment to gather yourself, set your space, and get ready to drop in for the next 30 minutes with us. You may want to light a candle or diffuse some oils, grab water or tea, and do whatever you need to feel supported and nourished. 

In this episode Holistic Mental Wellness Coach Toni and Health Coach and Yoga Instructor Jadi dive into the energy of this full moon from a Western and Vedic perspective. 

They discuss what has been present energetically for themselves and the primary lessons Life is presenting right now. They talk about self- parenting as well as child parenting and our natural state of being (pure joy). 

They talk about conditioning and toxic as well as balanced masculinity and how we hold both masculine and feminine energies within our sacred containers. 

Toni offers a JUICY 3 minute guided visualization for release and Jadi offers some stimulating self-reflective questions. 

They share their own Full Moon rituals this time around and finish with a potent card draw and channeling from Toni.

You can connect with Toni on IG: @parksholistichealth (and sign up for her NEWSLETTER!!) and email with any inquiries

You can find Jadi @jadiengels on IG and practice womxn's yoga with her @womxn's yoga with Jadi on YT.

Blessings of vitality and prosperity to you,


Toni + Jadi