Season 4 Episode 25: Cancer Full Moon (Final one of the year!)

Published: Dec. 29, 2020, 6:45 p.m.

Beloved EPs,

My heart is so full of gratitude as I reflect on the closing of this year; thank you so much for holding this sacred space with us, for journeying into the dark so that we can rise into the light, together, stronger, brighter. May this final ceremony of 2020 together be of highest service to your unfolding and thriving.

Peace and Blessings, Toni + Jadi

What we Cover:

Full Moon in Cancer

Gratitude Grounding + Centering

Naming and thanking our Soul Family and all the sources that got us through this year!

Cancer energy: home, family, being inward, nurturing

Jadi: out of the head and into the heart; word for 2021: Joy

childlike innocence is Divine

Toni: releasing judgement - honoring our unique differences

Listening/watching someone fully lit up by what their doing is inspiring for us all

Living our Dharma

Feel the grief and then the peace

Toni: It’s not that serious; let it GOOO

Moon Practice: Chanting + Listening; Bath + Womb release

Card Draw: New Deck!! Chakra Deck - Throat + Solar Plexus

Toni: @parksholistichealth;

Jadi: @jadiengels; womxn’s yoga with jadi (YT)