Self-Acceptance with N'deye Fana Gueye

Published: Sept. 20, 2021, 9:52 p.m.


In this episode, Fana and I explore many aspects of what self-acceptance means and involves: shadow work, feeling our feels, uncovering limiting beliefs, integrating different parts and aspects of ourselves, silencing the loud voices, coming into acceptance of our strengths and weaknesses, and allowing our past and present challenges to empower us into a more embodied version of ourselves, one grounded in Truth. You don\'t want to miss this episode. We vary off topic while still staying on topic as we normalize how messy the ascension journey can be and how our humanity cannot be bypassed one bit. 


 For more information, please watch the episode. For more information on Fana, you can check her out at and read more about her below.


As an intuitive Leadership & Mindset Expert, Inner Child Doula, and Spiritual Teacher, N\'d\\xe8ye Fana Gueye @ndeyefanagueye  specializes in helping mission-driven leaders, coaches, healers and entrepreneurs create a life and legacy they are proud of. She teaches them how to get out of their own WAY, crush overwhelm, and self-sabotage to achieve more authenticity, and impact in the world. She does this through a framework called the W.A.Y.\\u2122 applicable both to individual and corporate environments. It stands for Who Are You? It is the most important question to answer you will ever ask yourself. When you figure out where you stand, where you want to go, and how to get there, you open infinite possibilities. The life-changing power of self-inquiry and truth allows people to rewrite the software of their minds in minutes to live sovereign lives rooted in authenticity. 


N\'d\\xe8ye Fana has guided countless people - including CEOs, stay-at-home moms, authors, artists, healers, entrepreneurs, and other coaches to stop playing small and walk their talk. Before becoming a mentor,  facilitator, and healer, she had a prolific sales & marketing career in leading Fortune Global 500, so she understands the pressure of working in a high-stakes environment. She has helped countless people land their dream roles or projects, bring their whole selves to their work and relationships, and realize their potential. 


As an intuitive and empathic facilitator, Fana blends positive psychology, behavioral change with intuition, spirituality, and energy leadership into her work for effective and lasting change. She is also a writer, a speaker, a painter and leads transformational retreats. Find more information and inspiration at
