Embodying the Unified Christ Femme with Atma Sophia

Published: June 4, 2022, 3:07 a.m.


In this episode, Atma Sophia shares the following:


-Her own personal embodiment journey


-How the unified feminine's work is linking all aspects of the masculine within oneself, exalting the masculine, and how it leads to greater embodiment


- Her experience and perspective of what is the difference between the Light and Dark Masculine and how it unifies as the Christ Divine Masculine


- An explanation of Unity Consciousness and what is the Unified Feminine Christ


-The importance of taking radical responsibility of all our experiences and why they are showing up in our reality through communing with the body


-The role of the Christ as unifying the Holy Mother and Holy Father, bringing these two aspects together, giving rise to the Christ Sophia as the sacred inner child


-More on the unified family template and Hieros Gamos


Atma Sophia is a Multidimensional Seer, Quantum Healer and Master Genesis Code Carrier that is here to Guide Humanity back to their Original Consciousness through Spiritual Sovereignty and Divine Inner Union.   She has a background in psychotherapy, yoga and mindfulness and continues to use aspects of her experience with these schools of consciousness in the work that she does with clients.   Atma experienced her first awakening in 2008 and has been devoted to the spiritual path of expansion and embodiment ever since.   She has Devoted her life to God. And Her deepest passion is being in service to the Divine and to Humanity. Atma is currently supporting women to come into the Embodiment of their Unified Feminine Christ Power, Soul and Mission through her work in Coaching and Mentorship.


Social Media: Private Facebook Group: Atma Sophia Unified Femme ; Instagram: @AtmaSophia ; Offer : Unified Femme 6 Month Mentorship / Certification
