Embodying The Space with Chelsea Didier

Published: April 12, 2022, 12:57 a.m.


Wow, this episode that is being released today is a special one. Not just because Chelsea is one of my best friends, but because of the space she embodies herself. She truly is in integrity with this topic for today and her offering, the SPACE, which involves breath, meditation, sounding, and intuitive movements.


As we discuss, the space is a blank canvas where you are free to connect, create, explore, and meet the depths of your soul as you are. It is where all the stories, conditioning, programming, and rules can gently come undone so you can stand bare, raw, and naked in the truest expression, expansion, and connection with yourself and God. It is a place where your pain gets to be celebrated, honored, transmuted, and integrated for the highest good and where all of you is accepted and welcomed with no part left behind. This simplicity in our own embodied aliveness and presence allows us to meet ourselves and others as we are and drop the pretending, performing, and perfecting. 


Chelsea's offering, the Space, supports the practice of surrendering our ideas of who we think we are and how we should do things and instead invites us to return to a simple place of listening and allowing. It is this listening and allowing that allows us to come back home to who we truly are and remember why we are here.


I can support her offering as I have been an active participant and have experienced the deep therapeutic benefits. Imagine 10 therapy sessions all in one session, except it gets to be fun, exploratory, soft, gentle, and inviting. I loved this recording and encourage you to give it a listen and check out her offering. 


Thank you Chelsea for being such a portal and pure embodiment of Truth. 


