292: Now I Feel Less Cool

Published: June 20, 2019, 11 p.m.


Christopher (@stoneymonster) and Elecia (@logicalelegance) babble about their current projects involving ants, guitars, machine learning, and party planning.

A video of Christopher\\u2019s ants

Some tweet threads about our tour of Santa Cruz Guitar Company.

  1. Arrival (also: very old wood)

  2. Wood is awesome

  3. Adding science to precision craft

Elecia has been reading \\xa0Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow by Aur\\xe9lien G\\xe9ron. While the 2nd edition preview is on O\\u2019Reilly\\u2019s electronic library (formerly Safari Online), it will be available via Amazon on July 5th. Or pick up the first edition.

Phillip Johnston of Embedded Artistry (290: Rule of Thumbs) is looking for blog posts, exchanging editing and exposure for posts that make sense on the site. Contact him with a topic idea before jumping in. For the Embedded blog, related to the show with Phillip, Elecia wrote a post about learning to give feedback.

Listener Brian asked about a CS degree for going into firmware. We mentioned our show with Dennis Jackson (211: 4 Weeks, 3 Days).

Listener Craig asked about PICs. We suggested taking a look at Jay Carlson\\u2019s Amazing $1 Microcontroller. We talked to Jay in 226: Camp AVR vs. Camp Microchip.

Listener Happyday asked about UL testing. We added FCC testing then asked if any of you could help us. Hit the contact link on Embedded.fm.

Embedded has a Patreon. There are new sponsorship levels! Nothing has changed though.
