Virginia Barry on swimming, canoeing, and being a lifetime member of Beta Sigma Phi

Published: July 26, 2022, 8 a.m.

b'Episode #42 - Deep diving into some fascinating waters with Virginia Barry to talk about sorority and sisterhood, the importance of safety on the water, and her competitive spirit. \\xa0From The Village of Wentworth Heights in Hamilton, our first debutante on the green bench and a life-long member of a worldwide sorority, Beta Sigma Phi.\\n\\n\\u201dI\\u2019ve had a lot of wise seniors in my life, and it continues. How blessed I am.\\u201d - Erin Davis\\n\\nSubscribe, rate, and review our podcast on any network and share your thoughts on social media using the #ElderWisdom tag to help others find us.\\n\\nThe Green Bench is a symbol of elder wisdom. Physically or virtually, the bench invites us all to sit alongside a senior, share a conversation, or give and offer advice.\\n\\nIt challenges the stigma seniors face; the ageism still so prevalent in society. It reminds us of the wealth of wisdom our elders offer and in doing so, helps restore them to a place of reverence.\\n\\n\\u201dThe greatest untapped resource in Canada, if not the world, is the collective wisdom of our elders.\\u201d -Ron Schlegel\\n\\nThis podcast is brought to you by\\xa0Schlegel Villages, retirement & long-term care homes in Ontario, Canada.'