Tracing Roots and Learning Morse Code with John Hofstee

Published: Oct. 31, 2023, 8 a.m.

b'Episode #62 -\\xa0Kathy Buckworth & Evelyn Brindle had the pleasure of sitting down with John Hofstee, a remarkable individual from The Village of Riverside Glen in Guelph with a wealth of wisdom to share.\\xa0 From tracing his family roots in Holland and beyond to learning and engaging in conversations through Morse code and on the ham radio.\\n\\nHere are three key takeaways from our conversation with John:\\n\\n1\\ufe0f\\u20e3 Stay Active and Engaged: John emphasized the importance of getting involved and keeping oneself busy, especially in physical activities. He shared his experience of participating in exercise groups and even leading some of them. By joining organizations that align with our goals and allowing ourselves to learn and contribute, we can maintain a sense of purpose and fulfillment throughout our lives.\\n\\n2\\ufe0f\\u20e3 Embrace Your Hobbies: John\\u2019s hobbies, including genealogy, ham radio, and learning Morse code, are a testament to the power of pursuing our passions. He traced back his roots and discovered fascinating stories about his family history. So, whether it\\u2019s exploring your ancestry or diving into a new hobby, don\\u2019t be afraid to follow your interests and uncover the hidden gems within your own life.\\n\\n3\\ufe0f\\u20e3 Cherish Family Connections: As Sophocles once said, \\u201dsons are the anchors of a mother\\u2019s life.\\u201d John beautifully highlighted the significance of family connections and the wisdom passed down through generations. He encouraged us to listen to our parents and grandparents, as their stories and advice will resonate with us in the future. Family ties are precious, and they can provide us with a sense of identity and belonging.\\n\\nI hope you find these takeaways as inspiring as we did! \\u2728 If you haven\\u2019t already, be sure to listen to the full episode to hear John\\u2019s incredible stories and insights firsthand.'