Ross C. Morton - Stories of a one-room schoolhouse, importance of sharing history, and reflections of time in the RCAF

Published: Sept. 14, 2021, 8 a.m.

b'Episode #25 - Taking you back through the 20th century thanks to Ross C. Morton, 96yo who resides at The Village of Arbour Trails in Guelph and is accompanied by his daughter, Mavis Morton. \\xa0Stories of a one room school house education, the importance of sharing ones history with family, community and today, on this podcast.\\n\\nRoss has written 3 books and shares about his first book written in 1997: The Life And Times Of A One-Room School, a history of the Conway Public School, South Fredericksburgh Township, Ontario, 1875-1966 along with the his memories of his boyhood in the 1930\\u2018s.\\n\\n\\u201dAll through my school years, I was never lower in my class than second. \\xa0I didn\\u2018t bother telling them there was never more than 2 in my class all the way through school.\\u201d - Ross C. Morton\\n\\nRoss reads about his first day at the one room school in September of 1931.\\n\\nSubscribe, rate, and review our podcast on any network and share your thoughts on social media using the #ElderWisdom tag to help others find us.'