Hildegarde Bolter on resilience in life, leaving her husband, and being a German child in the war

Published: July 12, 2022, 8 a.m.

b'Episode #41 - Hilda lives at The Village of Wentworth Heights in Hamilton, originally from Germany, joining to share her story from the green bench with Erin Davis & Doug Robinson. \\xa0Stories of growing up during World War II, moving to Canada, having a son, leaving a challenging marriage, writing a memoir, and her resilience in all aspects of life.\\n\\n\\u201dWe were 6 years old. They told us that the gas masks looked like Mickey Mouse so we wouldn\\u2019t be scared.\\u201d - Doug Robinson\\n\\nAt 10 years old, she was strafed by machine-gun fire from a low-flying airplane. She locked eyes with the pilot who was laughing. She was rescued when two women ran out and pulled her to safety. It was an English airplane, and she was a child.\\n\\nSubscribe, rate, and review our podcast on any network and share your thoughts on social media using the #ElderWisdom tag to help others find us.\\n\\nThe Green Bench is a symbol of elder wisdom. Physically or virtually, the bench invites us all to sit alongside a senior, share a conversation, or give and offer advice.'