Feeling lucky and a passion for flying with Ferg Kyle

Published: May 16, 2023, 8 a.m.

b'Episode #56 -\\xa0Flying into another great story from the green bench as hosts Kathy Buckworth and Evelyn Brindle welcome Ferg Kyle to take a seat.\\xa0 Ferg joins us from The Village of Tansley Woods in Burlington to talk about his lucky life, overcoming challenges and his passion for flying.\\n\\nFerg believes he is a very lucky man. He lives by the quote from Gary Player, \\u201cThe harder you work, the luckier you get.\\u201d\\n\\nLearn how he overcame health challenges to live out his dream, never taking his eye off of his lofty goals including his time as a fighter pilot and then as a commercial pilot for Air Canada.\\n\\nSubscribe, rate, and review our podcast on any network and share your thoughts on social media using the #ElderWisdom tag to help others find us.\\n\\nThe Green Bench is a symbol of elder wisdom. Physically or virtually, the bench invites us all to sit alongside a senior, share a conversation, or give and offer advice.\\n\\nIt challenges the stigma seniors face; the ageism still so prevalent in society. It reminds us of the wealth of wisdom our elders offer and in doing so, helps restore them to a place of reverence.\\n\\n\\u201dThe greatest untapped resource in Canada, if not the world, is the collective wisdom of our elders.\\u201d -Ron Schlegel\\n\\nThis podcast is brought to you by Schlegel Villages Retirement & Long-term Care homes in Ontario, Canada.\\n\\n#ElderWisdom | Stories from the Green Bench\\xa0is produced by\\xa0Memory Tree Productions\\n\\nLearn more about our host, Kathy Buckworth, at\\xa0kathybuckworth.com\\nLearn more about #ElderWisdom at\\xa0elderwisdom.ca\\nLearn more about Schlegel Villages at\\xa0schlegelvillages.com'