Donna Duncan - reimagining long-term care, building community, and combatting ageism

Published: Oct. 26, 2021, 8 a.m.

b'Episode #28 - Erin Davis & Lloyd Hetherington welcome the CEO for the Ontario Long-Term Care Association, Donna Duncan to the green bench.\\xa0 A passionate conversation about what aged care is, building community, fighting ageism, and reimagining what long-term care can be in the future.\\n\\nDonna first experienced long-term care in the 1980s with her grandmother and then again with her father living with alzheimers in 1999. \\xa0She brings a personal view to what it is and what it can be as we look at some of today\\u2018s challenges in front of us:\\n\\nStaffing challenges\\nOlder buildings\\nHigher care needs\\n\\n\\u201dWe dream of a day that it is okay to go into long-term care, where people aren\\u2018t frightened, families don\\u2018t feel guilty, staff take great pride, and they are physical living environments where people want to be.\\u201d -Donna Duncan'