BONUS | Jamie Schlegel - What is long-term care, an inside look at the Schlegel Villages organization, and the importance of community

Published: Sept. 7, 2021, 9 a.m.

b'Bonus Episode - Erin Davis & Lloyd Hetherington are joined by Jamie Schlegel, President & CEO, on the green bench for a conversation about the Schlegel Villages organization, the differences between public, for-profit, charitable, and municipal long-term care, and the importance of community building.\\n\\nThe Schlegel organization started back in the 1950s by Wilfred & Emma Schlegel, spending their lives in service to people. \\xa0Making communities more inclusive, healthier, and allow people to be contributors to their community. \\xa0\\n\\n\\u201dThe Schlegel Villages mission has two fundamental components; creating a caring community with life purpose for each person.\\u201d -Jamie Schlegel'