Annie Whittle - connection to Harry Styles through a passion for knitting, keeping busy, and how to eat a pomegranate

Published: Aug. 17, 2021, 7 a.m.

b'Episode #23 - Joining Erin Davis & Lloyd Hetherington on the green bench is Annie Whittle from The Village of Wentworth Heights in Hamilton. Her story includes a surprising connection with Harry Styles through her passion for Knitting, never allowing boredom to seep in, how to eat a pomegranate along with stories from her childhood.\\n\\nKnitting has been found to contribute to the quality of life.\\n\\nKnitting since the age of 4, now at 95 making Harry Styles sweaters for her grandchildren. \\xa0Handknitting pieces for department stories, hats, baby sets, bonnets, etc.'