8. Dee Preikschas

Published: Jan. 19, 2021, 8 a.m.

Episode #8 - Topics of Dancing with Parkinson's, laughter, humour, spiritual awakenings with a Guru in India, and romance.

The spirit and the spark, call her Dee 'Precious' as we hear her story on 'Dancing with Parkinson's', an improvement on balance and gait by using music throughout the day. "Whatever it is, the body has to keep moving no matter what." - Dee Preikschas 

The importance of laughter for Dee and how to help others smile and laugh together.

Dee meets a spiritual leader, a Guru, and travels through  India and learns to meditate with him.  

"you need those quiet times, to look deep within.  You need to sense the values and listen very carefully to what the spirit is giving to you." - Lloyd Hetherington

Being a nurse, she has helped bring humour to her work and her colleagues. Using dark humour, but be careful as "humour can build bridges, but it can also destroy bridges."

Creating an online profile allowed Dee to meed her husband Dave.  Both dealing with their own challenges, they continue to love and support each other at The Village at University Gates in Waterloo.  "It's for the long haul, the good, the bad, the ugly. A good caring relationship makes all the difference in the world."

"Even before you get out of bed, decide it is going to be a good day." - Dee Preikschas 

Let's all have a 'Perky Parky Person Party wearing Purple with Dee Preikschas'!

*Honouring our guest from Episode #4, Louise Jolliffe, who passed away earlier this year. Click to listen.

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The Green Bench is a symbol of elder wisdom. Physically or virtually, the bench invites us all to sit alongside a senior, share a conversation, or give and offer advice.

It challenges the stigma seniors face; the ageism still so prevalent in society. It reminds us of the wealth of wisdom our elders offer and in doing so, helps restore them to a place of reverence.

"The greatest untapped resource in Canada, if not the world, is the collective wisdom of our elders." -Ron Schlegel

This podcast is brought to you by Schlegel Villages, retirement & long-term care homes in Ontario, Canada.

#ElderWisdom | Stories from the Green Bench is produced by Memory Tree Productions Learn more about our host, Erin Davis, at erindavis.com Learn more about co-host, Lloyd Hetherington Learn more about #ElderWisdom at elderwisdom.ca