5. Barry Hickling - Discrimination through ageism, working with the Ontario Association of Residents' Councils and hope for the future

Published: Dec. 8, 2020, 8 a.m.

Episode #5 | Ageism is stereotyping and/or discrimination against individuals or groups on the basis of their age. Ageism dictates that at a certain age you have to act a certain way.  We need to work together to eliminate ageism - starting with education, informing people with alternatives, and creating an environment where you value people and their contributions.  Hosts Erin Davis & Lloyd Hetherington welcome Barry Hickling from The Village of Aspen Lake in Windsor for a conversation about ageism on the green bench.

Barry is a Delegate Member of the Ontario Association of Residents' Councils (OARC).  Their values include: Compassion, Dignity, Inclusion, & Collaboration | Learn more at ontarc.com

Help up break down #ageism by signing the #ElderWisdom pledge at elderwisdom.ca; "I pledge to restore to a place of reverence the elders of our society, honouring the wisdom our oldest citizens have gained through lifetimes of trials, tribulations, joys and successes. I further vow to end ageism, once and for all counting this unjust form of prejudice unacceptable."

"Hope is the greatest encouragement we can give to one another" -Barry Hickling

"Caring and compassion are what it's all about. Don't put a label on it." - Lloyd Hetherington

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The Green Bench is a symbol of elder wisdom. Physically or virtually, the bench invites us all to sit alongside a senior, share a conversation, or give and offer advice.

It challenges the stigma seniors face; the ageism still so prevalent in society. It reminds us of the wealth of wisdom our elders offer and in doing so, helps restore them to a place of reverence.

"The greatest untapped resource in Canada, if not the world, is the collective wisdom of our elders." -Ron Schlegel

This podcast is brought to you by Schlegel Villages, retirement & long-term care homes in Ontario, Canada.

#ElderWisdom | Stories from the Green Bench is produced by Memory Tree Productions Learn more about our host, Erin Davis, at erindavis.com Learn more about co-host, Lloyd Hetherington Learn more about #ElderWisdom at elderwisdom.ca