4. Louise Jolliffe

Published: Nov. 24, 2020, 7 a.m.

Episode #4 | Women in the workplace, loving the work you do, being fired due to pregnancy, making dreams come true & a variety of hobbies including knitting & crocheting are the topics of conversation on the green bench.  Erin Davis and co-host Lloyd Hetherington welcome Louise Jolliffe, a resident at The Village of Aspen Lake in Windsor, to share her stories and wisdom with us.

According to a piece in Bustle, called “11 Old Lady Hobbies it’s OK to Love in Your 20s” there is renewed and growing interest in what the younger generations are calling “lost arts” like knitting, sewing, quilting, gardening, and even old-fashioned games like Bridge and Canasta.

Share with us on social media using the #ElderWisdom tag and let us know what your hobbies are.


The Green Bench is a symbol of elder wisdom. Physically or virtually, the bench invites us all to sit alongside a senior, share a conversation or give and offer advice.

It challenges the stigma seniors face; the ageism still so prevalent in society. It reminds us of the wealth of wisdom our elders offer and in doing so, helps restore them to a place of reverence.

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"The greatest untapped resource in Canada, if not the world, is the collective wisdom of our elders." -Ron Schlegel

This podcast is brought to you by Schlegel Villages, retirement & long-term care homes in Ontario, Canada.

#ElderWisdom | Stories from the Green Bench is produced by Memory Tree Productions Learn more about our host, Erin Davis, at erindavis.com Learn more about co-host, Lloyd Hetherington Learn more about #ElderWisdom at elderwisdom.ca