Learning React with Kent C. Dodds

Published: Dec. 29, 2017, 6:22 p.m.

Kent C. Dodds, a leading React expert, speaks with John Lindquist and Joel Hooks, the co-founders of egghead, about how React is a fantastic technology to learn for both newcomers to programming and Javascript grey-beards alike.

Kent talks about how great componentizing your code is. No longer are you going in and writing HTML for all your pages, you are now writing powerful and useful javascript components.

The concepts that React got built upon don't just apply to React code. Joel talks about how he taught the React style of componentized code, but using Angular in the workshops he has run.

Kent and Joel also discuss the importance of ES6. There are still new Javascript tutorials that are get written in ES5, Joel explains why this is shortsighted. The future of Javascript is moving to ES6. Not only that but ES6 is an excellent improvement over ES5.
New and powerful features can be leveraged with it, spread syntax, arrow functions, modules. These features are the direction Javascript is moving.

So check it out. Learn this new technology and see that it's not so weird, with Kent's new courses The Beginner's Guide to ReactJS and Advanced React Component Patterns


"Learning React with Kent C. Dodds" Transcript


Kent C. Dodds

John Lindquist

Joel Hooks